Rumores, rumores, rumores Sony: ¿ Nueva Alfa 600 DSLR APS-C con espejo ?

¿ Será, no será, será, no será...?

Hoy se “descuelga” la WEB «1001noisycameras» con un rumor un poco raro, en mi opinión.

Se trata de que Sony parece estar preparando una nueva DSLR con sensor APS-C y “oh anatema”, con el viejo y trasnochado espejo convencional DSLR.

Se llamará A600 y para ser un rumor, la verdad es que está perfectamente documentada.

Estas son las especificaciones de la futurible:

  • -New body design, similar to A65 in size
  • -Larger brighter OVF than the A580 (still penta-mirror, cost savings) at .92x magnification «w/data overlay» @ 97% coverage
  • -Similar live view system as the A450 (away goes the second sensor and mechanisms that cost extra money), more traditional  main sensor live view with faster contrast detect AF than previous Sony DSLRS, this time for all lenses
  • -updated 18.4 mp APS-C CMOS sensor
  • -up to 8fps capture with full metering and af capabilities (A580 could do only 5fps with metering/af)
  • -same battery as A580, A65, A77
  • -new «wide coverage» 15 point AF system (new type with 5 cross type sensors)
  • -full 1080p HD video will be included (no specifics on this)
  • -Dual card slots (no specifics on type)
  • -New pop up flash (not sure how this will work, assume bounce and regular?)
  • -Silver and Black model (depending on territory)
  • -New quieter mirror box mechanism and shutter
  • -First curtain electronic shutter mode
  • -Moisture/dust preventive measures (but not moisture or dust resistant)
  • -3 custom function buttons
  • -Updated Quick Navi Menu interface (assume like A65’s which isn’t true quick navi like A900/etc.)
  • -Dual control wheels, rear is scroll and click type
  • -Due this year before fall

¿ Será verdad, o solo una tomadura de pelo ? Pronto lo veremos.

Info en “1001noisycameras”  ;  Rumor original en “Photographic Central Blog”






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