Eye-Fi: nuevo «firmware» para sus tarjetas SDHC X2

Tarjeta Eye-Fi X2

El fabricante de tarjetas con capacidad Wi-Fi «Eye-Fi» acaba de publicar un nuevo «firmware» para su serie de tarjetas X2 SDHC.

La nueva versión es la v5.0008 y corrige algunos «problemillas».

Esto es lo que dice el histórico de versiones:

v5.0008 (20 Mar 2012)


  • Fixed rare NULL pointer dereference while Direct Mode is deployed, but not connected to, that could manifest as “card error” symptoms
  • Ensure that a fresh Wi-Fi scan is completed after a camera turns Wi-Fi back on to avoid prematurely deploying Direct Mode networks even in the presence of in-profile infrastructure networks
  • Implemented various Wi-Fi interoperability and performance improvements
  • Implemented private partition “auto-repair” mechanism which preserves card configuration when private partition is formatted

NOTE: For customers with Eye-Fi X2 Cards running firmware version 4.1017 or earlier, the firmware update may result in a failure message after the 30-second countdown. If this occurs, please do not be alarmed and follow the instructions to remove your Eye-Fi Card and reinsert it. If you do not get prompted for a firmware update again after reinserting card, the firmware update was completed successfully despite the erroneous message. This firmware version is for X2 cards only.

Lo cuenta Rob Galbraith  ;  Info versiones  ;   Eye-Fi Center software


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