Roger Cicala, disfrazado de forense, nos cuenta como es por dentro el Zeiss Touit Planar T* 32mm F1,8,

Un simple detalle.

¿ Os va esto de la anatomía patológica, o sois de los que os desmayáis cuando veis una gota de sangre ?

Si sois de los primeros seguro que os gustará ver las tripitas de una «cotorra verde». Si sois de los segundos, salir inmediatamente a tomar aire fresco.

El bueno de Roger Cicala, de Lens Rental, vestido con su bata verde de patólogo de guardia, se ha entretenido en despanzurrar hasta lo más intimo el Zeiss Touit Planar T* 32mm F1,8, y nos muestra sin vergüenza alguna sus interioridades.

Lo he visto en «Dpreview»  ;  Crónica del patólogo

Este es el informe final, donde no se especifica si el paciente sobrevivió a la prueba.


This thing is built well. Those of you who have misgivings about polymer (rather than metal) construction in a lens of this size, put those to rest. It’s built like a Zeiss; I expected no less. I was a bit skeptical about the choice of a DC motor to provide more power, but I have to say, they definitely chose a large, powerful motor, so that was probably just me being cynical.

The overall construction and design were very solid, reminding me of a Zeiss or Leica rangefinder lens; much higher construction quality than many of the E mount lenses I’ve opened up.

I should point out that I have not yet opened up a Fuji-mount Touit. It will be interesting to see the differences between the two (aperture control being the most obvious). I also don’t want my remark about E mount lenses above to be carried over to Fuji. I have less experience looking inside Fuji lenses, and to be honest find them a bit strange, but they are well constructed.


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