Apple presenta Aperture 3.5 con un montón de novedades y compatible con la nube

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Nano noticia:

Apple presenta Aperture 3.5 con un montón de novedades, y como no, faltaría más, incluyendo o compatible con iCloud Photo Sharing.

Lo veo en Dpreview, pero la cosa viene de Engadget y el original está en Apple

Va venga, como no me cuesta más que «control C», «control V», os pongo aquí la lista de novedades:

Here’s a full list of changes:

  • Adds support for iCloud Photo Sharing, including the ability to post videos to shared photo streams and to have multiple subscribers contribute to a shared stream
  • The Places feature now uses Apple maps to display photo locations
  • New integration with SmugMug, with support for publishing and syncing galleries directly to a SmugMug account
  • Adds support for iOS 7 camera filters applied to photos imported from iOS devices
  • Fixes an issue that sometimes resulted in Retouch adjustments not being applied to exported images
  • Addresses an issue that could cause the black and white points in Curves to shift incorrectly when using the eyedropper tools
  • Fixes an issue that prevented caption data from being embedded correctly when exporting versions of some RAW file types
  • Improves reliability when adding names to Faces
  • Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding after adjusting a very large panorama Fixes an issue that could prevent memory cards or hard disks from ejecting properly after import when clicking the Delete Items button
  • Improves reliability of slideshows on a 15-inch Macbook Pro with Retina display
  • Addresses an issue that could cause thumbnails to display incorrectly in the iLife Media Browser
  • Videos up to three minutes long can now be shared to Flickr
  • Captions instead of version names are now synced between Aperture and Facebook for newly-created albums
  • Improves reliability when printing a light table
  • Fixes an issue that could prevent adjusted images from being published to My Photo Stream
  • Includes stability and performance improvements


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