Cinco análisis de softwares: Replichrome III Archive, Perfect Photo Suite 9.5 y MacPhun: Focus Pro 2, Intensify Pro, y SnapHeal Pro.

Un conjunto astuto y bien ordenado de ceros y unos.

Un conjunto astuto y bien ordenado de ceros y unos.

Al becario que prueba los softwares en Photography Blog seguramente le han amenazado con conseguirle una entrevista con Rajoy si no aumentaba su rendimiento y ante tan considerable amenaza hoy ha publicado no uno, ni dos, ni tres, ni cuatro, sino cinco análisis de sendos software.

Es comprensible, yo también hubiera hecho cualquier cosa para librarme de tan colosal amenaza.

Hete aquí el resultado de sus desvelos.

  • Replichrome III Archive:

Totally Rad have released the third installment of their ever increasing saga of film replication software packages. “Archive” emulates increasingly rare and eclectic film types scanned using Noritsu and Frontier film scanners. Available for use in Lightroom 5 or Photoshop 6, using Bridge and Camera Raw, Replichrome III costs $99.

PB:Replichrome III

  • Perfect Photo Suite 9.5:

Perfect Photo Suite is an all-in-one photo editing suite from OnOne that incorporates Effects, Resize, Layers, Enhance, Browse, B&W and Portraits into one package. The program works with Lightroom, Photoshop and Aperture or as a standalone program. With a regular price of $149.95, seven programs in one seems a good price. In our full test we’ll find out if that’s the case.

PB: On1 Perfect Photo Suite 9.5

  • MacPhun Focus Pro 2:

The Focus Pro 2 software from MacPhun is available to users of Mac computers and promises to give you the effects of using different lenses and techniques to alter the look of your photographs.

According to the manufacturers, the software “helps you eliminate the need for additional physical (expensive) equipment and extends filter and lens functionality beyond your camera.”

There are two versions of the Focus software, a cheaper standard version which you can buy for £7.99, or the Focus Pro version which is available for £28.99 and is the version we’re reviewing here. There are a few notable differences – the Pro version can open raw format files, can be used as a plugin for other programs and has some more advanced features.

PB: Macphun Focus 2 PRO

  • MacPhun Intensify Pro:

MacPhun’s new app, Intensify Pro, is designed exclusively for those with Mac computers.

It is available in two different versions – a standard, which will set you back £13.49, or a more advanced “pro” version, which costs £34.99 and is the subject of this review. The difference between the two versions is that the pro version can be used as a plug-in for other pieces of software (such as Photoshop or Lightroom) and has a number of more advanced features, such as a micro sharpness tool and tonal range clipping.

PB: Macphun Intensify PRO

  • MacPhun SnapHeal Pro:

SnapHeal Pro is a new app developed by MacPhun for Mac users. Previously available as the standard SnapHeal version, the pro version is now available for £23.99. Unlike with the standard SnapHeal version, you can use it as a standalone app, or as a plugin to other Mac software including Photoshop CC, Photoshop Elements, Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture.

PB: Macphun Snapheal PRO

Hala, que lo disfrutéis.


Un comentario

  1. Soy usuaria permanente de la dupla Lightroom-Intesify pro. A decir verdad, no amo modificar tremendamente mis fotos, por lo que photoshop no es mi burro de carga oficial, como si lo es lightroom, pero Intesify , te da un toque particular ya que desmenuza un poco mas los datos de la foto raw, la pasa a tiff y ahi trabajas con otros controles deslizables bien sensibles. Luego aplicas, te manda al Lr de vuelta y si quieres sigues corrigiendo. Para los que no se quieran volver locos con PSD simplemente para destacar un cielo nublado, o sombras que de otra forma daría mucho ruido, lo recomiendo. Luego existe el Denoise de la misma gente, ese no me gusta mucho, por que saca el ruido a toda la imagen y no lo hace selectivamente. Abrazos de luz para tutti!

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