Steve’s Digicam analiza una compacta en peligro de extinción: la Canon PowerShot ELPH 190 IS

No se, pero yo creo que ni regalada la querría.

No se, pero yo creo que ni regalada la querría.

Aunque me imagino que el bueno de Steve’s Digicams es consciente, al igual que todos, de que las compactas sencillas de sensor pequeño son una especie que no solo está en extinción, sino que en la práctica ya está extinguida, salvo tal vez las antitanque submarinas, sigue erre que erre con sus análisis a fondo, así que yo os pongo lo acostumbrado en esta WEB aún siendo consciente de que muy posible nadie entre a leer este artículo.

El espécimen analizado hoy es la Canon PowerShot ELPH 190 IS, que ya veréis ni su precio salva de la hoguera.

PowerShot ELPH 190 IS Features:

  • 20MP CCD sensor
  • 10x optical zoom lens
  • Image Stabilization
  • 720p HD video
  • Smart Auto mode
  • Scene Mode
  • Eco mode
  • Built-in Wi-Fi (with a dedicated button)
  • NFC

PowerShot ELPH 190 IS is available in Black, Red or Blue, for a suggested retail price of $160. See our lowest price box at the top right of this page to see current online pricing.


  • Almost no shutter lag in adequate lighting conditions
  • Camera has a fast startup
  • 10x zoom lens is nice feature inside such a small camera
  • Camera moves through its full zoom lens range quickly
  • PowerShot 190 is extremely small, fits easily inside a pocket
  • Autofocus works well, produces relatively sharp photos
  • ELPH 190 is very easy to use
  • Some special effect options have advanced settings
  • Dedicated Wi-Fi connection button
  • Low priced unit


  • Colors reproduction isn’t as accurate as it should be
  • Camera works very slowly when using the flash
  • Flash is embedded in a corner of the camera
  • Continuous shot mode isn’t really usable because it’s so slow
  • Very limited manual control options
  • Limited to shooting in JPEG; no RAW option
  • Maximum ISO setting is 1600
  • LCD is smaller than average at 2.7 inches
  • LCD resolution is below average
  • No touchscreen or articulated LCD
  • Maximum aperture of lens is below average at f/3.0
  • Video is limited to 720p HD resolution and 25 frames per second
  • Four-way button is so small that it’s very difficult to use
  • Camera is almost too small to be held comfortably while shooting
  • Battery life could be quite a bit better

Y este es el análisis completo: análisis completo

Consejo de amigo: yo, que tu, no lo haría, forastero.


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