PSMania 1.0: otro editor de imágenes para los artilugios iOS

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Muy breve:

Todo esto es lo que dicen que hace.

  1. Pick a photo from Photo Album or capture a new photo
  2. Apply filter effect on either instant live video or still photos;
  3. Adjust filter settings easily by sliding a slide-bar;
  4. Near 30 different cool filters to choose from;
  5. Undo button to restore the original photo;
  6. Display photos in a carousel fashion;
  7. Double taps with two fingers to remove photos from the carousel;
  8. Save and share your artistic-modified photos with friends;
  9. Localized in both English and Chinese;
  10. Easy to use and no learning is required.

Y aquí encontraréis toda la info: Photography Blog

Y aquó lo podréis descargar, gratis: App Store


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