¿ Ha comprado Toshiba a Eye-Fi y nadie se ha enterado ?

Que cosas pasan.

Que cosas pasan en el mundo de los negocios ¿ no ?

Lo dejo en inglés porque así parece más misterioso, interesante y truculento, y además se entiende bastante bien incluso sin ayuda del traductor Google.

  • Pistas:

Few weeks ago Eye-Fi announced a technology licensing agreement with Toshiba.

According to the press releases, this is just a «licensing agreement», but all Eye-Fi cards are currently listed as discontinued at B&H and the «Shop Now» button on Eye-Fi’s website now redirects to Amazon’s listing of Toshiba Wi-Fi cards.

  • Pregunta lógica:

Did Toshiba just acquired Eye-Fi?

  • Un trocito de la nota de prensa:

Today Eyefi Inc. announced they have combined efforts with Toshiba Corporation to deliver state-of-the-art capabilities into the upcoming versions of Toshiba’s FlashAir WiFi SD memory card product line. In addition, Eyefi has added direct support for automatic wireless transfer of images from Toshiba FlashAir cards to Eyefi Mobi apps on all major platforms.

Under terms of the agreement Eyefi and Toshiba have licensed their respective technologies and patents to each other, enabling future generations of FlashAir to incorporate best-in-class features from both companies’ product lines into their offerings. Upcoming versions of Toshiba FlashAir cards will support the Eyefi Connected features available today on over 300 camera models from Canon, Nikon, Sony, Ricoh, Pentax, Olympus, and other leading manufacturers.

El misterio continua, pero yo os prometo por lo más sagrado que voy a dormir muy tranquilo esta noche.


Un comentario

  1. Pero toshiba no le había vendido a Sony, hasta el tazoncillo de arroz que se llevan los curritos japos, a la fábrica??.

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