A estas alturas de la película creo que ya pocas cosas pueden cambiar y nada va a hacer que pensemos de otra manera acerca de la Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, pero mi deber es contaros que el bueno de Ken Rockwell acaba de publicar su análisis a fondo, que en realidad es poco más que las características de la maquinita comentadas, salvo por la galería de muestras de el clásico modesto rincón de su casa con cuadro y reloj incluido (que siempre marca la misma hora) a todas las sensibilidades.
Tiene el aliciente de que Ken pone las imágenes de los productos que analiza a tamaño XXXXXL y así la podemos ver con todo detalle mejor incluso que si la tuviéramos delante.
Por poner algo os pongo sus clásicos apartados de: lo bueno, lo malo, y lo que se echa en falta.
- Touch-control LCD with Auto Brightness Control and anti-smudge and anti-reflection coatings.
- 3 total-recall C1, C2 and C3 memories on the mode dial (also in 5DS and 5DS R).
- Multi-shot noise reduction (also in 5DS and 5DS R).
- Shoots-through flicker (also in 5DS and 5DS R and other recent Canons).
- Digital Lens Optimizer runs so slowly as to be almost useless for most practical shooting; it locks-up the 5D4 for 3 seconds after each shot!
- No built-in flash.
- No flipping LCD.
- No as-shot, in-finder cropped-sensor options. (no 4:5, 1:1, APS-C or other crop options as we have in the 5DS and 5DS R).
- No magnetic compass as in the 5DS and 5DS R.
- Focus screen is not interchangeable.
- No Mup shutter delay.
No puedo acabar sin poneros aquí lo que sería parte de sus conclusiones, con algunas “perlas” de hondo calado con las que no siempre estoy de acuerdo y que he intentado remarcar en negrita.
- Compared to the Canon 5D Mk III:
The 5D Mk III is the older model, introduced in 2012. It’s also a fantastic camera, just 1 FPS slower and with slightly lower resolution (there is negligible visible difference between 22MP and 30MP). I’d pick a 5D Mk III over a Nikon D810 any day.
The 5D Mark III lacks features like GPS, WiFi and flicker shoot-through, and otherwise takes the same spectacular pictures. If money matters, by all means get a 5D Mk III, and if you can afford it, you’ll love the new features of this Mk IV.
See Is It Worth It.
- Compared to the Canon 5DS and 5DSR:
The 5DS and 5D Mk IV sell for the same price.
There is no difference other then the price between the 5DS and the 5DSR. The images are indistinguishable; the R is just a way for Canon to get more of our money — but you’ll probably recoup the $200 difference at resale time.
I prefer my 5DSR because I set my M-Fn button for real-time in-finder still-image cropping, a feature not in the 5D Mk IV. I don’t use the Mk IV’s GPS, WiFi or touch screen absent in my 5DSR, but I often do like to shoot in 1:1 or 4:5 cropped sensor modes in my 5DSR.
In actual use, 30MP looks the same as 50MP. ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ??????
7 FPS isn’t that much faster than 5 FPS if you’re not a dedicated sports shooter, and if you are, you need the 10 FPS 7D Mk II or 14 FPS 1DX Mk II, not the 5D Mk IV.
It’s a coin flip, which is why the prices are similar. Get the 5DSR if still subjects are your thing, and get the 5D MK IV if occasional sports and action shooting are more important.
- Recommendations:
Canon has really hit it out of the park again with this 5D Mark 4. The only bad thing is that it costs the same as the 5DS just to confuse you. I prefer the 5DS (or the identical but $200 more expensive 5DSR) because I prefer its in-camera as-shot crop options, while if you prefer more frames-per-second, WiFi or GPS, you’ll prefer this Mark IV.
If you only shoot sports and action, get the 7D Mk II or 1DX Mk II. Sports, news and action shooters live for speed. On the other hand, if you only shoot things that don’t move for Sunset Magazine or large gallery shows, the 5DS/R remains state of the art for nature and landscape just for its slightly higher resolution.
Most of us shoot a little of everything, so this new 5D Mark IV will be a little of the best of everything. I own some cameras for speed and others for resolution, and now this 5D Mk IV does it all in one camera. It’s got most of the insane resolution of the 5DS/R, with more speed than any other 5D or 6D series camera ever.
This Mk IV excels at both speed and resolution in a way that no other camera from anyone has ever done. There’s no reason not to get this camera; even if all you shoot is landscapes and test charts or just sports, it has no weak points other than having no built-in flash like the rest of the 5D series.
Y ya está.
En fin, que para que seguir, si ya lo sabemos todo. Otro análisis favorable. Por cierto, ni mención a la mejora del sensor y a su mejor rango dinámico, ni tampoco a su aparente falta de nitidez respecto a lo que debería ser. Igual son detalles sin importancia. Eso si, el precio hasta ha impresionado al bueno de Ken, que no es muy impresionable en estas cosas. Por algo será ¿no ?
Pues eso, si queréis calentaros el coco o verla en muy grande, razón en Ken Rockwell