Versión v4.0.4 de RNI All Film: perfiles peliculeros para Lightroom y ACR y muchas cámaras

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Venga, ánimo, que la cosa está muy fácil.

NI have released a new version of RNI All Films. The new RNI All Films 4.0.4 for Adobe Lightroom and ACR brings customised camera profiles for a number of new cameras including the Leica TL and M10, the Phase One IQ3 100MP, the Fujifilm X-100F. GFX 50S, X A3, X A10 and  X T20, the Canon EOS M5 and PowerShot G9 X Mark II, the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II, the Panasonic FZ80, GF9 and GH5, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, and the Sony DSC-RX100 M5. Additionally, film grain is now turned off by default. You can use RNI Toolkit in Lightroom to set the desired level of film grain (ISO 100/21° – ISO 1600/33°).


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