Picktorial’s new X-Pack lets you add Fuji’s film simulation profiles to X-Trans raw files: toma ya.

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Hoy la brexit práctica va a ser muy sencillita, pero un poco más larga, pues en un ataque de brexit-enagenación mental transitoria, va a constituir un artículo completo en inglés. Vamos, como si yo supiera de que hablo. Menos mal que existe el «Control C + Control V».

Hételo aquí:

When Picktorial 3 debuted back in April, it offered «superior support» for Fujifilm X-Trans RAW files, including compressed and uncompressed RAF. This was a big deal, and it has been so well received that Picktorial Innovations, Ltd. has announced another major addition for Fuji users this week: they’ve added Fuji film simulation color profiles.

Released as a $15 «X-Pack» add-on to Picktorial 3, the preset pack is described as, «a package of pitch-perfect film simulation color profiles for Fujifilm RAF files.»

Included in the X-Pack are the following profiles:

  2. Camera ACROS
  3. Camera ACROS+Ye
  4. Camera ACROS+R
  5. Camera ACROS+G
  6. Camera Velvia/VIVID
  8. Camera PRO Neg. Hi
  9. Camera PRO Neg. Std
  10. Camera ASTIA/SOFT
  11. Camera MONOCHROME
  12. Camera MONOCHROME+Ye
  13. Camera MONOCHROME+R
  14. Camera MONOCHROME+G

The camera profiles are compatible with Fujifilm X-Trans(TM) RAF files.


Picktorial 3.0.4 or later

Availability and Pricing:

The add-on requires Picktorial version 3.0.4 or newer, which will cost you $40 to buy new as of this writing. The X-Pack itself costs $15, and can be purchased at www.picktorial.com/xpack.

More tutorials and resources can be found at www.youtube.com/picktorial


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