Pues nada, que dicen los Sres. de Yi que con este nuevo firmware v3.0 a la cámara Yi-M1 no la va a conocer ni la madre que la …..

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Y si ellos lo dicen, ¿ quien soy yo para ponerlo en duda ?

Fijaros todo lo que dicen que añade o mejora.

Es asombroso. A uno le viene a la cabeza que la cámara estaba sin terminar cuando la sacaron.

Firmware Version 3.0-int Update Logs


  1. Added exposure control in the mode P/A/S/M for video capture
  2. Added AF/MF control for video capture.
  3. Added RAW+JPG format for still capture
  4. Added still image option in Time Lapse
  5. Added the option to shoot 1-3 images when using the self-timer function with an initial 2 second or 10 second timer settings
  6. Added a histogram in live view mode for both still and video capture
  7. Added new focus viewing modes with improved image quality including: 6x, 8x and 10x magnification in MF mode
  8. Added 2 ways to show the Metering mode in the UI
  9. Added the user guide (Restoring factory settings to view)
  10. Added multiple selection of images for deletion.
  11. Added 2 new options for the display grid
  12. AE algorithm optimization
  13. Master Guide template display logic optimized
  14. Improved AF speed


  • Fixed some known bugs, and improved the overall stability of the system.


  • Change the thumbnails in each screen from 9 to 12 images.

Queda claro, ¿ no. No la habían acabado.


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