La brexit práctica de hoy va a ser «stereo» o dual», como queráis, pero va a ser «softwariana»
1.- ON1 Photo RAW version 2018.1 released (free trial download available).
New Improvements include improved debayering, improved HDR alignment and deghosting, faster thumbnail generation in browse, faster searching, improved noise reduction & sharpening, and better preview quality. • New features include Import module, Tethered Shooting, Soft Proofing, Metadata Templates, Video Browsing & Organizing, Custom Sorting, Additional Cameras and Lens Support, and more. Introductory special: $79.99 for new users.
2.- Topaz Labs announced AI ReMix – the first AI style program available on desktop:
AI ReMix utilizes the flexibility of custom neural networks to create specialized artistic models based off of real art styles. More than the typical use of AI, it’s the first of Topaz Studio’s ‘Artistic Intelligence’ adjustments available in Topaz Studio.
- Si, si, el culpable de esta inmisericorde y dual paliza ha sido Photo Rumors
dios no lo quiera, pero esperemos que la AI no acabe convirtiendose en un Ay! doloroso para la humanidad… aunque la ley de Murphy ahí está