El road-map de Fuji actualizado según Photo Rumors: X-T100, GFX-50R, X80, X-T3, XF200mmF2 y GFX-100S

No preguntes por saber ……….

No me gusta hacerlo, pues se trata de una copia descarada sin ningún valor añadido por mi cuenta, y siempre suelo disimularlo con algún comentario que pueda tener algún interés o por lo menos que lo aparente, pero en este caso el guión exigía que utilizara tal cual las dos teclas más útiles de Windows: el Control C + Control V.

Este es el resultado:

Fujifilm X-T100

The new Fujifilm X-T100 is expected to ships in June and is meant to be position between the Fujifilm X-A5 and cameras like the X-E3/T-T20. The official announcement is expected in the next 2-3 weeks.

Fujifilm GFX 50R

The Fujifilm GFX 50R might be announced right before Photokina 2018 with a price tag between $4,000-4,500.

2018 timeline on upcoming/rumored/expected Fuji products

  • Fujifilm X80 will likely become XF10 due to a name change Launch date unknown
    • maybe bayer sensor
  • Fujifilm X-T100 Q1
    • include new XC 15-45 kit lens
    • Shipping June
  • Fujifilm GFX 50R Photokina 2018 (September 25 – September 30)
    • Price between $4,000 to $4,500
    • 50MP sensor still
    • Range Finder Medium Format Mirrorless İntercangeable Lens Camera
    • Announcement or shipping ( which one is not clear ) will be at  Photokina 2018
    • Basically X-Pro version of GFX 50S
    • Announcement in July or August
  • Fujifilm X-T3 Photokina 2018 (September 25 – September 30)
    • New Processor
    • Max Framerate 4K : 60 fps (current sensor cant do this so new sensor)
  • Fujinon XF 200m f/2 $4900-5000 without new TC and with $5800-6000
    • New TC will be 1.4x and/or 2.0x


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