El Atomos Ninja V y el AtomX estarán disponibles justo a final de mes.

No es este, pero para ilustrar ya vale.

Va de brexit, Satanás:

The Atomos Ninja V external video recorder and monitor will be ready to ship at the end of this month. Announced in April this year, the 5.2in Ninja V is designed to provide a smaller option for those using more compact video cameras while still offering many of the features of the larger 7-inch models.

A second module, the Atomx Sync wirelessly handles and generates timecode to synchronise recordings from multiple devices. The AtomX modules will cost ‘less than $199’, while the Ninja V itself costs $695. For more information see the Atomos website.

Lo cual queda dicho (which is said) para general conocimiento y en su caso jolgorio del personal, amén.


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