Ken Rockwell: prueba de campo y aire con el nuevo Sony FE 400mm f/2.8 GMaster OSS

Bueno, bonito y caríiiiiiiiiiiiiiisimo.

Pues eso, el bueno de Ken Rockwell se ha ido a una exhibición aérea con el Sony FE 400mm f/2.8 GMaster OSS montado delante de una Alfa 9 y lo ha probado a conciencia fotografiando a los «Blue Angels» (la patrulla Águila de Trump) y poniéndonos unas fotos con esos colores increíbles que solo a él le salen.

Yo solo os pongo aquí los apartados habituales en estos casos y os destaco, como no, el capítulo de «bad». Como siempre el Sr.Sony marcando máximos históricos en la serie GMaster.


  • Completely electronic auto and manual focus; no mechanical connection to the focus ring. Sony claims the focus system responds linearly to the focus ring position in real-time so it should be a big upgrade over other fully electronic focus systems.
  • World’s lightest 400mm f/2.8 at 2,895g (102.2 oz.). Nikon’s 400mm f/2.8E FL VR FX weighs 3,800g (134 oz.) and Canon’s 400mm f/2.8 IS II L weighs 3,850g (135.5 oz.) — but the new Canon 400/2.8 IS L III weighs a little less than this Sony.
  • Weight taken off the front compared to other 400mm f/2.8 lenses. This decreases its rotational inertia making it easier to swing around while shooting sports. Instead of several large front elements as with other 400/2.8s, there is but one large front element and several more smaller elements deep inside and further back.
  • Dedicated DMF switch finally gives us instant manual focus override in any autofocus mode, which is relatively rare with Sony lenses.
  • 11 blade diaphragm.
  • Function ring (ahead of focus ring) programmable to «Preset» (quickly return to a preselected focus distance) or «Function,» which allows you to select what this ring does in your camera’s menus. (The world’s first Canon 300mm f/2.8 L had a focus preset function ring back in 1987).
  • Smooth electronic focus if you set the function ring mode to «Function» and then select Power Focus in your camera’s menus. Now the lens will focus at a speed that varies by how far you turn the function ring.
  • Function ring also settable in some cameras to allow you to select full-frame or APS-C cropping. In other words, instant digital zoom. Bravo!
  • New third stabilization mode designed to make it easier to track moving sports subjects.
  • Defeatable 90º tripod collar clicks. (collar not removable).


  • World’s lightest 400mm f/2.8.
  • New autofocus system highly optimized to mirrorless cameras which will outrun anything else you might try to adapt to your Sony.
  • Super sharp, as are all 400mm f/2.8 lenses.
  • Optical Image Stabilizer.
  • Autofocuses over the entire frame on an A9.
  • Four Focus Lock buttons programmable in-camera to do other things.



  • Same close-focus distance as the Canon and Nikon 400/2.8s. Canon and this lens focus to 8.8’/2.7m, while the Nikon focuses to 8.5’/2.6m.

Y ya está, todo lo demás lo veréis en Ken Rockwell

Nota tonta: ¿ a ver si el Sr.Sony ha pasado por el mismo proceso que los fabricantes de impresoras y ha entendido que el negocio no está en la impresora sino en los consumibles, y él lo ha traducido a que el negocio no está en las maquinitas sino en la cristalería ?

– la criatura –

Bueno, y ya de paso nos enseña como es el Wimberley Gimbal Tripod Head , que seguramente es el artilugio que ha usado para tomar esas impresionante fotos y que podréis ver en acción simplemente haciendo clic en este breve video demo. Oiga, genuino «Made in USA», como Trump, que no es poco.

¿ Esto que sería ?: un steady, un gimbal, una ayuda, un soporte astuto. Jo me hago cada lío con estas cosas.


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