Voy a despachar el asunto con dos simple brexit párrafos que espero sean suficiente para que valoréis si la cosa os engancha o pasáis de largo.
Cosa 1:
DxO PhotoLab 2 has improved its exclusive DxO ClearView tool, added a new image management system (DxO PhotoLibrary), and now supports DCP color profiles.
Algunos detalles sin importancia:
DxO is now offering PhotoLab 2 for both Mac and PC through its online shop. The software is offered at introductory prices until November 18, after which point the regular rate is applied. PhotoLab 2 Essential is $99.99 USD and will be $129 USD after the introductory pricing ends; PhotoLab 2 Elite is $149.99 USD currently and will be $199 USD after the promotion ends.
Cosa 2:
Scarab Labs has released a new version of Scarab Darkroom, its digital camera raw converter for Windows. Version 2.25 adds support for 50 cameras, has major image quality improvements, and many bug fixes.