Si alguien dudaba de que el bueno de Ken Rockwell iba a probar el iPhone 11, que deje de dudarlo.

Los 3 ojos, el flash y el micro.

Desde luego, si la casa que fotografía siempre este hombre es la suya (y todas las señales apuntan a eso), yo no sé por qué pierde el tiempo escribiendo en una WEB y encima poniendo un botón «donate». Vale, me callo, porque yo también lo tengo, pero os aseguro que mi casa no es así.

Envidia cochina, eso es lo que es. Bueno, quizás no. Yo no sabría vivir en un ambiente así de revista Hola permanente.

En fin, que yo os pongo lo de siempre para esta WEB y vosotros ya veréis, que sois mayorcitos y todos tenéis criterio.

New since iPhone Xs Max:

  • Insane 13mm-equivalant ultra-ultrawide camera. Lenses like these used to cost tens of thousands of dollars; I know, I used to own a Nikon 13mm lens!
  • Faster f/2 lens for the 2x tele camera.
  • «Sports finder» mode for the normal and tele cameras lets you see what’s outside your picture before you press the shutter.
  • Can be set to retain extra image data outside your picture and allow you to expand your crop after you take the picture!
  • Low-light «Night» mode lets us hand-hold long time exposures in the dark.
  • Much faster Face ID; it now unlocks immediately.
  • Faster AirDrop transfer speeds.
  • Even bigger battery with longer battery life.
  • 0.527 oz. (14.95g) heavier than iPhone Xs Max.
  • iOS 13 adds the option of a «Dark Mode» which makes most backgrounds dark with white text, instead of white with black text, either for your own style preference or to extend battery life. (OLED displays use more power as their displays become brighter). This mode also works on older iPhones that run iOS 13.

More Good Things:

  • Seemingly unlimited battery life. If you can run it down in a day, you’re spending way too much time looking at your phone.
  • Ultra-high photo quality under all real-world lighting conditions.
  • Image Stabilization.
  • Museum-quality stainless steel and hardened glass design and construction.
  • Ultra pure styling devoid of any writing; doesn’t even say «iPhone» anymore! The only thing on this stark beauty is the Apple logo, and that’s it.
  • Integrated into the Apple ecosystem: control your Mac, music, movies, TV, photos and everything from this phone.
  • Up to 512 GB internal storage; enough to hold my entire music library, all my photos and manuals and documents and all my home movies of my kids for the past ten years and more, with no need for cloud storage — a huge benefit for when I’m in deep the field away from Wi-Fi and cellular data.
  • Ultra-color-accurate OLED display.
  • OLED display is super-bright in daylight.
  • OLED display looks great from every angle.
  • OLED display doesn’t flicker in lower light.
  • Records video with S-t-e-r-e-O sound.
  • S-t-e-r-e-O speakers built in.


  • Nothing, other than not being free. The iPhone 11 Pro Max seen here sells for $1,099 (64 GB), $1,249 (256 GB) or $1,449 (512 GB). The smaller-screened non-Max iPhone 11 Pro, with the same cameras, sells for $999 (64 GB), $1,149 (256 GB) or $1,349 (512 GB).


  • No more 3D «force» touch; replaced by «Haptic» touch. Just hold a finger down for a moment longer and it’s the same as the old (harder) 3D touch. This lets Apple skip the force sensor and use the extra room for more battery.
  • No headphone jack.
  • Still no 105mm-equivalent true optical telephoto camera. (You can zoom digitally to 260mm equivalent.)
  • No more Find My Friends widget; now we have to use the new Find app which combines the two older Find my iPhone and Find My Friends apps.

Hala, ya está.

Admiradores de Tele 5, razón en:


Un comentario

  1. Impresionante casita que gasta el bueno de Ken. Las fotos me gustan mucho, pero he disfrutado más con el enlace a su Nikon 13 mm. Qué pasada de bicho!

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