ARCA-SWISS presenta el super cabezón de trípode Core 75 leveler

La «ultraflexible» y «ultracara» criatura.

Me hace mucha ilusión que fabricantes de prestigio me envíen información de prensa porque me hacen sentir un tío importante con un blog de multitrillonaria audiencia, así que con el pecho henchido de genuino orgullo os pongo el e-mail que he recibido en plan brexit práctica.


ARCA-SWISS leveler tripod heads will soon be available in two versions: the Core 60 leveler, and the new higher capacity Core 75 leveler. The ARCA-SWISS Core 75 leveler tripod head is characterized by its high precision, simple handling and setup, all perfect for quickly leveling the camera.

In addition to base and top panning mechanisms, the Core 75 leveler is equipped with micro-metric movements of +/- 15 ° each in the X and Y axes.

Fluid and precise movements are provided by two gear driven micro-metric self-locking control knobs. A telescopic feature of the control knobs provides efficient handling of the Core 75 leveler when larger cameras are mounted or full movement is applied. As with the ARCA-SWISS Cube, the Core 75 leveler movements work within an arc, keeping the camera centered over the tripod.

The Core 75 leveler, like all tripod heads from ARCA-SWISS, is available with a choice of quick release: Classic, flipLock®, and monoball®Fix. The Classic and flipLock® systems are equipped with a double dovetail so that you can fit the classic camera plates in the upper dovetail and the monoball®Fix to the bottom. The Fix system is compatible with the monoball®Fix plates. All three of them are compatible with the monorails of the ARCA-SWISS cameras.

Technical specifications

  • Tilt range : X-axis: ± 15°, Y-axis: ± 15°
  • Load Capacity : 30 Kg
  • Panning range : 360°, dual panning, one at base & one unter the quick release
  • Weight : 590 / 630g
  • Diameter : Ø 75 mm / Ø 3″
  • Height: 69 / 78 mm


  • 860111, ARCA-SWISS Core 75 leveler, monoball®Fix € 700
  • 860112, ARCA-SWISS Core 75 leveler, Classic € 725
  • 860113, ARCA-SWISS Core 75 leveler, flipLock® € 745

Core 75 leveler will begin shipping at the end of January 2020.

Nota tonta: si hacéis clic en el enlace de arriba os llevará a Google Drive donde no aparece nada. Ahí podréis descargar un .zip con toda la información. Descomprimiéndolo os aparecerá una carpeta, pero oh sorpresa, la carpeta aparece absolutamente vacía, al menos a mi. Algo habré hecho mal.

Me he quedado con cara de tonto y para que no os pase lo mismo he buscado por Google y aquí podréis ver por lo menos algo de la criatura.

Este es el L60, pero debe ser muy parecido.


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