– el bueno de Ken –
¿ Y que os puedo poner yo ? Pues aparte de que con sus imágenes monstruosas podréis comprobar a simple vista si en la superficie de su cuerpo serrano o barrilete hay algún maldito coronavirus infiltrado y dispuesto a sembrar el terror en todo el mundo acabando con por lo menos la mitad de la humanidad, lo único que se me ocurre es poneros lo habitual para esta WEB.
¿ Será este un virus de diseño del cual ya hay vacuna pero solo para las personas selectas y exclusivas que lo han diseñado y que serán las que den continuidad a la humanidad, o será un virus de diseño diseñado para que Huawei no pueda imponer su superioridad en el 5G, o realmennte será un plaga de Egipto diseñado por la propia naturaleza para rascarse las pulgas del mundo actual ?
Lo encontraréis todo, menos lo del virus, aquí:
Sobre el buque insignia DSLR nos cuenta esto:
New since 2016’s D5
- 14 FPS, up from the D5’s 12 FPS.
- Silent full-resolution Live View shooting at 10.5 FPS.
- Video-like still frames saved at 30 FPS at 8MP (à la 4K) or 60 FPS at 2 MP (à la 1,080) when shot in Live View.
- Quiet mode now selectable from 1 to 5 FPS. D5 QC (Quiet Continuous) mode was fixed at 3 FPS.
- Uses CFexpress cards. Does not work with either CF or SD cards.
- New 105-point AF system, Nikon’s best ever. D5 had only 55 selectable points.
- Center AF point works down to LV -4.5 and the rest to LV -4. (All D5 points rated to LV -4.)
- Three times as many selectable cross-point AF sensors as the D5.
- Nikon claims this is the first DSLR that can do eye AF in Auto-AF-Area and 3D tracking modes.
- 17 customizable group-area AF groupings.
- 14 programmable buttons.
- More buttons light up in the dark compared to the D5.
- Manual exposures settable to 15 minutes in Manual mode, hallelujah!
- TIME exposure mode; no longer do we need a remote release to hold open the shutter in Bulb.
- New trick to let a touchscreen flick move a selected image to the top of the waiting list for transmission.
- Internal GPS receiver (D5 required an external module).
- Built-in Wi-Fi (D5 required you buy an external adapter).
- Bluetooth.
- New JPG + JPG mode to save two different kinds of JPGs for each shot, for instance, a smaller one for immediate transmission and a big one for the archives. This same innovation was in my Sony Mavica FD-88 back in 1999, which also recorded smaller JPGs for emailing at the same time as full-resolution images.
- Same sensor, ISO range and video resolutions and rates as the D5, one new thing is the option to save movies as .MP4 rather than only in .MOV as in the D5.
- Might have a new camera-state recall ability; Nikon says we can «Recall shooting functions create combinations of settings that can be assigned to a specific button to get the perfect shot in a pinch.»
- 15% faster transmission over 1000BASE-T Ethernet than the D5.
- Kensington anti-theft security slot.
- 1:1 square crop mode (D5 had only 4:5, 16:9, 1.2× and DX crops).
- Highlight-weighted metering option.
- Specifications suggest the D6 may now have native remote radio flash control. The D5 needed the external WR-R10 and WR-A10 adapter for radio control.
- USB-C rather than Micro-USB of the D5.
- New EN-EL-18c battery, also works with older EN-EL18-series batteries.
- 1.5 oz./42g heaver than D5.
- Same 180k pixel meter sensor; now claims «greater performance» due to a newer onboard computer.
- «Improved connector arrangement.»
- Stills grabbed while shooting 1,080 or 720 video are now only the same resolution as that video; the D5 saved stills at the full 16:9 sensor resolution (or two smaller sizes) when saving those stills. (Both D5 and D6 save at 3,840 × 2,160 when shooting 4K.)
- No more RGB TIFF file option.
- Nikon’s top pro camera of all time: Extreme durability, survivability, mechanical quality and speed. I’ll skip 37 green dots listing it all.
- 4:5, Square 1:1, 16:9, 1.2× and DX crops.
- Separate mic for voice notes.
- Big, heavy and expensive.
- No automatic brightness control for rear LCD.
- No built-in Image Stabilization (no Nikon DSLR has this).
- No more RGB TIFF file option.
- Stills grabbed while shooting 1,080 or 720 video are now only the same resolution as that video; the D5 saved stills at the full 16:9 sensor resolution (or two smaller sizes) when saving those stills. (Both D5 and D6 save at 3,840 × 2,160 when shooting 4K.)
Y sobre el angular nos cuenta esto otro:
- Multi-group internal focussing.
- Nikon’s first fixed 20mm for its mirrorless Z system.
- Superb optics.
- Fast.
- Instant manual-focus override.
- Big and expensive.
- No Image Stabilization, but your camera may do this internally.
- No aperture ring.
- No switch to control in-camera stabilization.
- No focus or depth-of-field scales.
- No infinity focus stop; you have to use autofocus or live view to try to focus to infinity for astronomical shots rather than turn it to a stop.