¿ A que no la habíais visto en negro ?
Y digo que está bien pues esta vez no son solo las especificaciones comentadas, sino que hay un montón de muestras grandes y también la clásica secuencia de la chimenea y el reloj a todos los ISO’s.
Os repito aquí esta breve obra de teatro que acabo de componer y que resume con absoluta precisión mi opinión sobre esta camarita. Se trata de un diálogo de mi mismo con un hipotético amigo que se llama Evaristo.
Se abre el telón.
- Adolfo: pues sabes que te digo Evaristo, si esta camarita tuviera un 24-70 yo ya la tendría como compañera inseparable.
- Evaristo: hombre Adolfo, pero entonces no sería una X100, sería otra cosa.
- Adolfo: es verdad
- Evaristo: pues eso.
- Adolfo: pues eso.
Se cierra el telón y la sala prorrumpe en un explosivo y emocionado aplauso.
Bueno, aquí tenéis lo prometido:
Y ahora, en un gesto de generosidad ilimitada solo propio de esta casa, os pongo lo habitual para esta WEB que en este caso es muy extenso. Hala, que os aproveche.
New since 2017’s X100F
- This X100V is the 2020 version of 2017’s superb X100F. It’s the same great camera with many tweaks. It looks, feels and shoots just like the X100F with the exception of no longer having a four-way rear controller; otherwise it’s just many small details that have changed:
- Weather resistant, but if and only if you use a filter on the front.
- New 23mm f/2 II lens. The old lens set standards for performance and close-focus, and both have the same rated close-focus distance (4″/0.1m). This new lens doesn’t have quite as large a maximum macro ratio, but this new lens is much contrastier at f/2 at the close focus distance, otherwise they are the same and just as sharp stopped down and at normal distances.
- Top and bottom covers machined from solid billet aluminum, like a MacBook Pro (X100F uses die-cast magnesium).
- The top cover has sharper edges like a MacBook Pro, rather than like the X100F‘s top cover.
- 26 MP «X-Trans CMOS IV» sensor, up from 24 MP.
- Base ISO 160 rather than the base ISO 200 of the X100F.
- Rear LCD now is a touch screen:
- The rear touch screen can select AF areas while shooting with the viewfinder.
- New rear 3″ LCD now has 1,620,000 dots (X100F screen had 1,040,000 dots).
- Rear LCD now pivots up and down, but not 180º or left or right..
- Mechanical leaf shutter now runs to 1/2,000 at all apertures and to 1/4,000 from f/4.5 ~ f/16. Old X100F shutter only ran to 1/1,000 at all apertures and only shot at 1/4,000 from f/8 to f/16. The flash synchronizes at all these speeds.
- Phase Detection autofocus now rated down to LV -5, with face and eye detection. (Contrast detection rated to LV -2; X100F phase detection rated to LV -3 with face and eye detection.)
- Electronic finder now has 3,690,000 OLED dots rather then the 2,360,000 LCD dots of the X100F.
- The new OLED finder saves power over the LCD finder of the X100F: now rated 350/420 shots EVF/OVF versus the 270/390 shots of the X100F.
- Optical finder now has 0.52× magnification and 95% coverage rather than the 0.50× magnification and 92% coverage of the X100F.
- Set exposure times now go 15 minutes in both Shutter-priority and Manual modes (X100F only went to 30 seconds in those modes). Maximum time in Bulb is still one hour. More good news is that set time exposures are counted-up, and Bulb exposures are counted-up, on the rear LCD or in the finder.
- Built-in neutral density filter, present in all X100-series cameras, is now four stops rather than three.
- New HDR mode; goes to 800%.
- No more rear 4-way controller, instead, use «Touch Function» swipes on the rear LCD. (Still has the same thumb nubbin as the X100F, called a «focus lever» by Fuji.)
- The ISO dial’s collar stays up when pulled to make setting easier than having to keep pulling-up while turning it, as on older models.
- Front finder control lever can now be programmed for other functions.
- Slight changes in the shapes of levers and dials, for instance, moving your thumb to the left to rotate the shutter dial clockwise is curiously more blocked by the camera’s top cover than it was on the X100F.
- The four rear black buttons are now so flush to the surface that they’re difficult to find by feel; the X100F‘s buttons poked out enough to feel them.
- Top Fn button no longer labeled «Fn;» simply left blank.
- Play button moves down a spot.
- No more rear VIEW MODE button, just as well because I usually hit the old one by accident.
- Formerly dedicated DRIVE and TRASH buttons now combined and move to where the VIEW MODE button used to be.
- 4K/30 and 1,080/120 slo-mo video, up from 1,080/59.94p.
- 10-bit 4:2:2 video at the HDMI port.
- No more 720p video options.
- New bottom battery & card door design.
- USB-C rather than the micro USB connector of the X100F.
- 0.1 oz./4g heavier than the X100F.
- A couple of percent wider and deeper than the X100F.
- The Fuji BC-W126 charger, included with the X100F, is no longer included and now must be bought separately if you want one. Both cameras charge via USB.
- No more «Lens Modulation Optimizer» settings in the menu system; the Lens Modulation Optimizer is always active. Welcome to 2020.
- Bluetooth version 4.2.
- Quality made in Japan.
- Dedicated Aperture ring.
- Dedicated Shutter Speed dial.
- Dedicated ISO dial.
- Dedicated Exposure Compensation dial.
- Dedicated AF-S / AF-C / MF slide switch.
- Rear LCD can select AF areas while shooting with the viewfinder.
- Incredibly beautiful skin tones under any lighting; Fujifilm’s skin tones are the best in the business.
- Fill-flash performance is superior to any interchangeable-lens camera because it uses a special leaf shutter which synchronizes with flash at all speeds up to 1/4,000, allowing the built-in flash to have far more range than with the much slower sync speeds of focal plane shutters of interchangeable-lens cameras.
- Excellent power management; I leave mine leave turned on all the time and it turns off by itself when unused, exactly like a DSLR.
- «Digital Teleconverter» gives 50mm and 70mm-equivalant images with the turn of the lens’ ring.
- Square and 16:9 crop modes.
- In-camera B&W images can both simulate using a Yellow, Green or Red contrast filter, and can save them as warm/cool and magenta/green-toned images. Sorry, no in-camera split-toning yet.
- Takes same filters, hoods and lens adapters as all X100-series cameras.
- Accept a standard threaded cable release, as well as the RR-90 electrical remote.
- Silver-painted hot shoe cover may seem trivial, but adds a nice look and feel to this aluminum X100V.
- No more rear 4-way controller. Touch functions are slower than clicking a button.
- No FLASH ON/OFF switch; you have to set that in a menu.
- Longest video take length only 10 minutes at 4K or 15 minutes at 1,080.
- No video stabilization ensures jerky video unless tripod- or stabilizer-mounted.
- The four rear black buttons are flush to the surface so they’re nearly impossible to find by feel.
- No more rear 4-way controller; use the «touch functions» instead.
- No FLASH ON/OFF switch; you have to set that in a menu.
- No more rear VIEW MODE button.
- No ISO 80, ISO 100, ISO 125, ISO 25,600 or ISO 51,200 settings on the top ISO dial.
- No way to select among the three different Auto ISO settings using the ISO dial; the dial has but one «A» setting and you have to go back into menus to select which of the three Auto ISO settings you want.
- No way to select among the three different Auto ISO settings when using the camera’s rear dial to set ISO when the ISO dial is set to «C.»
- No ISO dial detents; it turns freely without clicks when lifted to set ISO.
- No second card slot.
- No image stabilization, exactly like a LEICA. This is a camera for people who know how to hold their cameras, and better than LEICA, there is no vibration, so no problem.
- No ability to save and recall camera settings to and from a card.
- No 720p, 640 × 480, 525 NTSC or 625 PAL video options (4K and 1,080 only).
- No GPS.
- Zoomed images don’t fill the 4:3 aspect-ratio electronic finder; they only fill the top 3:2 aspect-ratio section while leaving the bottom black.
- Auto Dynamic Range function only selects between 100% and 200%; to get 400% you have to set that manually in a menu.
- No headphone jack, but does have a 2.5mm Mic In jack and you can use a USB-C to headphone adapter.
- No flash ON/OFF buttons or slide switch like the Nikon 35Ti; instead you have to fiddle with flash modes with a control button and dial that takes too many clicks just to turn the flash ON or OFF.
- BC-W126 charger no longer included; charge via USB.
- The lens and compensation dials have the same clicks at all settings; sadly the full stops don’t detent more deeply than the third stops and there is no deeper detent at 0 or A.
La verdad es que es una maquinita que siempre me ha atraído. Y el hecho que además ahora sea rápida y sellada..La veo muy adecuada para turismo por ciudad o escapadas. Así, la voy a poner en «modo seguimiento», por si en un añito o poco más baja de su actual precio imposible. (Yo pagaría gustoso por ella unos 1000€. 1200€..Es para pensarlo muy mucho pero los actuales 1500€ son demasiado)