RAW Power 3 available for Mac and iOS, includes workflow improvements and new editing tools

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For users of Apple’s Portrait mode on their iOS devices, RAW Power 3 can access the depth data in the image file and allow users to create depth maps for selective edits. You can access and edit using the depth data on both iOS and Mac versions of RAW Power.

RAW Power 3 for macOS and iOS is available today from the App Store. For existing owners of RAW Power 2, the update is free on both platforms. For new users, RAW Power 3 for macOS is $39.99 and RAW Power 3 for iOS is $9.99. RAW Power 3 for macOS runs on macOS Catalina and Mojave. On iOS, RAW Power 3 runs on iOS 12 and iOS 13, although the app does not support iPhone 5s, 6 or 6 Plus or iPad mini 3 or earlier.

Silly note: esta es una brexit práctica que solo encuentra soporte vital en esta época de zozobra articulera, vamos, que solo la pongo porque casi no hay nada más que contar.


Un comentario

  1. Muy interesante el tema, si señor . Guillermo luijk en su web tiene el tema del ISO y del ruido bastante ensayado. Habría que echarle un vistazo para ver si su doctrina difiere o no de lo que aquí se expone.
    Saludos y Salut a tots.

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