Un señor que se llama Alexander Ignatov y que se declara Director General de LZOS en Rusia cuenta todo esto.
To promote products to the distributor, the following models were shipped: MC Rubinar 10/1000 Macro, MC Rubinar 8/500 Macro, MC Rubinar 5.6 / 500 Macro and MC Rubinar 4.5 / 300 Macro. They are produced by the Lytkarinsky Optical Glass Plant (LZOS) of the Holding.
- MC RUBINAR 1000/10 Macro
- MC RUBINAR 500/8 Macro
- MC RUBINAR 500/5.6 Macro
- MC RUBINAR 300/4.5 Macro
Y yo a mi vez os lo cuento para que sepáis tanto como yo, por lo menos.
- A few sample photos can be found here (from the 300/4.5 lens on a Sony a7s camera).