Con la cuasi omnipotencia que dan los dos comandos más importantes de Windows (Control C + Control V) os plantifico aquí la tarjeta de visita que no dejará dormir a los Leicanos por lo menos hasta Navidad.
No puedo dejar de hacer notar lo de la resolución variable del sensor en RAW, que no tendría ninguna gracia que fuera solo por recorte. Eso no sería indigno de Herrrrrrr.Andreas. ¿Será algo parecido al Isocell de Samsung. No se me ocurre ninguna asociación de pixels que baje de 50 a 36, ni tampoco de 50 a 15 (una asociación de 4 daría 12,5 Mpixels). ¿Que se está mascando en Wetzlar?
Leica is rumored to announce a new M11 rangefinder camera. Here is are the rumored details:
- The Leica M11 will not have a baseplate (setup like the Leica Q2)
- The official announcement is still expected on 11/11/2021 (the M9 was announced on 09/09/2009)
- A new rumor suggested that the Leica M11 sensor will have a variable resolution in RAW (50MP/36MP/15MP)
- The Leica M11 will support USB-C
- A new Visoflex will be announced that will work also with the current M10 models
- I was told that the Leica M10, M10P, and Leica M10D cameras are already discontinued – see current listings at Adorama and B&H
The M11 has been registered as a trademark by Leica since 2012 (pictured above).
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