Yo me voy a pedir uno con la Velvia 100, otros dos con la Ilford FP2 y Delta 100
La cosa viene de la página principal de Ken Rockwell y solo me he visto capaz de utilizar la descomunal potencia de Windows 10 con sus dos comandos más potentes: Control C + Control V para haceros partícipes de la buena nueva: ya llega el Black Friday, la Navidad y Reyes, ¿captáis?
Moraleja: de cómo subir el valor de un vaso desde 1 a 35 dólares: ¿eso es arte, curiosidad o the american way of life?
- 01 November 1954
Introduction of Kodak Tri-X
It was today in 1954 that Kodak introduced Tri-X, a fast B&W film.
What perfect timing; a friend at Photogenic Supply in Philadelphia (also known as Tog Tees) just sent me one of his American-made pint glasses with a real empty cannister of 35mm Tri-X embedded in it:
I found a paper coaster in the box, as shown.
They also come in sets and you can get all sorts of different film cannisters. Like all fine glassware, hand-wash only of course.
Nothing stops American innovation. (toma ya)