Me las prometía muy felices al pensar que este software era capaz por fin de no utilizar Inteligencia Artificial, pero la felicidad solo ha durado hasta el segundo párrafo.
The Polycam App Turns iPhones into 360-Degree Cameras
Primer párrafo:
Polycam, an iPhone app originally designed for 3D scanning, has launched a new feature that turns an iPhone into a 360-degree camera without any external hardware.
Segundo párrafo
The new feature asks users to take a continuous panoramic photo in a full circle and then uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) software to fill in the blanks and complete a 360-degree image. The AI, which is powered by Stable Diffussion, completes the unseen areas and blends them seamlessly with the original capture.
No lo confundáis con esto de ayer:
Con un iPhone, nVidia AI y una impresora 3D tendrás el mundo en tus manos y crear cualquier cosa.