¿Alguien pone en duda que el negocio de Luminar NEO IA son los módulos “presset” de tipo “insert coin”?: si es que si, aquí todas sus dudas quedarán disipadas.

Luminar NEO Power Bundle by Clever Photographer: This product has been a bestseller since its release, with over 15,000 copies sold, and has received top ratings from Luminar NEO users. Over 986 new elements to power up your Luminar NEO tools. Get extra high-definition Skies, Overlays, Textures, Backgrounds, Sky Objects, LUTs & Presets and transform your images with just a few clicks.

Luminar NEO Essential Preset Bundle (NEW) by Clever Photographer: Enhance your photos effortlessly with 38 preset collections containing 380 meticulously crafted presets, designed to transform your images in Luminar NEO.

Bonus track:

Landscape Photography Overlays by Clever Photographer: This is a “non-Luminar” product for various photo editing software packages.


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