Dos divertimentos en plan galería: solo eso.


Quirky Photo Project Celebrates the Comedy and Beauty of Architecture

A photographer duo has released a series of whimsical and humorous photos that showcase the beauty of architecture.

Quirky Photo Project celebra la comedia y la belleza de la arquitectura

Un dúo de fotógrafos ha publicado una serie de fotografías caprichosas y humorísticas que muestran la belleza de la arquitectura.

Kitten Sneak Attack Wins Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The winners of the 2023 Comedy Pet Photo Awards have been announced. Photographer Michel Zoghzoghi has taken home the top prize for his photo of his two rescue kittens, Max and Alex.

Kitten Sneak Attack gana Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Se han anunciado los ganadores de los Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2023. El fotógrafo Michel Zoghzoghi se ha llevado a casa el primer premio por su foto de sus dos gatitos rescatados, Max y Alex.


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