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Como estoy convaleciente y aún tengo la cabeza como un bombo me voy a limitar a …………….., me voy a limitar a ………………….., vamos que me voy a limitar. Seguro que me lo perdonáis.
The second generation of the Mr.Ding Noxlux DG 50mm f/1.1 E58 V2 lens for Leica-M is now released and available for order. Here are the improvements from the first generation and the lens specifications:
- A silver version is added;
- Updated glass material and upgraded to SMC coating
- The shell structure is redesigned and improved
- Linkage curve redesign: the macular linkage is compatible with all Leica M cameras
- The micrometer controls the accuracy of the parts, and it can be used immediately without adjusting the macular linkage.
- New screw-type integrated hood