Photographer Puts Her Hair Over Camera Lens For Soft Focus Photos
Jacey Spencer, an elopement and wedding photographer from Florida, revealed how she places her hair on her lens to produce a glowing effect on her photos in a viral TikTok video that has amassed over 8.5 million views.
Fotógrafa pone su cabello sobre la lente de la cámara para tomar fotografías con enfoque suave
Jacey Spencer , fotógrafa de bodas y fugas de Florida, reveló cómo coloca su cabello en la lente para producir un efecto brillante en sus fotos en un video viral de TikTok que ha acumulado más de 8,5 millones de visitas.
thinking about how they used dior stockings over the camera lens to get this soft dreamy effect
— melinda (@wispofsilk) May 29, 2021