Y así con todos.
Estupendo, ¿no?
Pika’s Latest AI Video Model Lets You Melt, Explode, and Cake-ify Objects
Pika, an AI video platform, has launched its 1.5 model with quirky features allowing users to crush, inflate, and squish objects.
El último modelo de vídeo con IA de Pika te permite derretir, explotar y convertir objetos en pasteles
Pika, una plataforma de vídeo con inteligencia artificial, lanzó su modelo 1.5 con características extravagantes que permiten a los usuarios aplastar, inflar y aplastar objetos.
Sry, we forgot our password.
PIKA 1.5 IS HERE.With more realistic movement, big screen shots, and mind-blowing Pikaffects that break the laws of physics, there’s more to love about Pika than ever before.
Try it. pic.twitter.com/lOEVZIRygx
— Pika (@pika_labs) October 1, 2024
We know there’s been a lot of talk about AI generated video recently. Well, look who’s talking now!
Early Access to Lip Sync is available for Pro users now at https://t.co/nqzjGy82Lx. pic.twitter.com/vCJ88pUWLL
— Pika (@pika_labs) February 27, 2024