ePhotoZine analiza la Leica M11-D, y yo, siendo consciente de mi posición social, guardo un respetuoso silencio.

Solo Herrrrr.Andreas se atreve a algo así.

Siendo consciente de que hay cosas selectas y exclusivas que no están ni deben estar al alcance de pensionistas o otras gentes de mal vivir seré extraordinariamente breve y solo diré que su valoración global es de 4 sobre 5, lo que para los baremos que usa esta WEB es una puntuación muy mala que solo otrora más o menos al 3% de los cacharros que prueba. Seguramente es por el precio: ¿oído cocina?

Leica M11-D Verdict

I love the quality of the images, and no mistake it is there, that Leica magic. That bit is clear. The handling is maybe an issue but maybe not, and this reviewer acknowledges that although one photographer might be a dedicated DSLR/Mirrorless user there are others who can be brought to mind who would snatch our hands off to have the Leica M11-D. This is as subjective as it gets.

So given that there will always be this divide in the way we think, it is fantastic that at this quality level such choices are there. One photographer might embrace the «simplicity» (in one sense) of the M11-D, another might feel liberated by the banishment of colour and revel in the M11 Monochrom.

Handling aside as a subjective thing, ultimately the output from these cameras is sublime quality, so whether a generalised model is needed or a specialised one, the choice is there for the taking.

Leica M11-D Pros

  • Superb quality of image
  • Impressive ISO performance
  • Fantastic build quality
  • Content Credentials
  • Leica FOTOS App

Leica M11-D Cons

  • No dust or moisture resistance
  • No EVF
  • No monitor
  • High price


  • Features 4/5
  • Handling 3.5/5
  • Performance 5/5
  • Value 3.5/5
  • Overall Verdict 4/5


Leica M11-D Camera Review

15 Nov 2024 17:06PM by John Riley

John Riley puts the Leica M11-D Camera through the paces. What does he say about its handling, reliability, and many technical features?

Revisión de la cámara Leica M11-D

15 de noviembre de 2024, 17:06 p.m. por John Riley

John Riley pone a prueba la cámara Leica M11-D. ¿Qué dice sobre su manejo, fiabilidad y muchas características técnicas?


Un comentario

  1. Hombre… poner como pega de una cámara que “no tenga monitor” cuando la filosofía misma de esa cámara es NO tener monitor… habla del nivel del medio… ¿no?

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