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Stuck Squirrel Photo Wins the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards
The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards winners were announced today at the competition’s Awards Night at the Oxo Gallery in London. Photographer Milko Marchetti is this year’s overall winner, thanks to his excellent and hilarious image of a red squirrel stuck in a tree, aptly named «Stuck Squirrel.»
La foto de la ardilla atascada gana los premios Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards 2024
Los ganadores de los premios Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards se anunciaron hoy en la noche de premios del concurso en la Oxo Gallery de Londres. El fotógrafo Milko Marchetti es el ganador absoluto de este año, gracias a su excelente e hilarante imagen de una ardilla roja atrapada en un árbol, acertadamente llamada «Stuck Squirrel».