Noticias a bombo y platillo, breaking news en lenguaje bárbaro: Fuji y 7Artisans

A bombo y platillo anuncian que: More than a year after the official announcement, the Fujifilm X100VI camera is still not in stock

More than a year after the official announcement, the Fujifilm X100VI camera is still not in stock

A bombo y platillo anuncian que: IDSworks grip for the new Fuji X100VI camera announced.

Just announced: IDSworks grip for the new Fuji X100VI camera

A bombo y platillo anuncian que: 7Artisans AF 27mm f/2.8 XF lens for Fujifilm X-mount officially announced

7Artisans AF 27mm f/2.8 XF lens for Fujifilm X-mount officially announced



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