¿A que no sabéis con que se ha atrevido hoy el bueno de Ken Rockwell?: pues con la Nikon EM

Que cosas, oiga.

Solo Dios conoce la verdadera y oculta razón por la que nuestro californiano favorito publica hoy su análisis de la Nikon EM, si, habéis oído bien, Nikon EM. Pero como Dios está muy ocupado gestionando la materia y la energía oscura en los infinitos multiversos, no nos va a decir nada.

Lo tendréis que descubrir vosotros aquí, y por lo menos no hay muestras radioactivas:

New: Nikon EM Review.

Make me stop! A reader asked about the old and crummy Nikon FG, and I realized I had started a page on the old (1979-1983) Nikon EM back in 2008, but never completed it as it was such an awful camera. The FG is a fancier model of the EM, the camera that was the start of the end of Nikon’s leadership in 35mm cameras.

Well, I completed it today. The reason not to get an EM is that 1.) It’s a very basic, simple, bottom-dollar 35mm SLR, and 2.) if you want a 35mm SLR, you can get a really good pro Nikon 35mm SLR for about the same price.

I figured it’s my civic duty to call this out, as the latest generation of 35mm shooters has no idea what were the good and bad cameras from 45 years ago.

I also spiffed-up the 35mm section of my Nikon index page.


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